German Shepherd Puppy running in the grass toward the camera

As dogs enjoy extended lifespans thanks to advancements in veterinary medicine, a concerning trend has emerged - an increasing number of dogs are facing digestive issues, including upset stomachs and diarrhea. If you have an aging dog, it's highly likely that you've considered using probiotic supplements to address these concerns.

But do probiotic supplements genuinely work for dogs? Is there a genuine need for probiotics in a dog's diet? And if so, what are the best probiotic supplements for dogs? It's essential to recognise that the answers to these questions can vary based on individual dogs, and it is always advisable to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements into your dog's routine. Nevertheless, research has shown that certain probiotic supplements have been beneficial in alleviating digestive issues in some dogs.


Probiotics play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for digestive health. This has prompted extensive research into the potential benefits of probiotic supplementation, especially in supporting digestive well-being. Dogs with genetic predispositions to digestive issues or those at risk may benefit from probiotic supplementation, and it's never too early to consider it.

When it comes to natural sources of probiotics, you'll find options such as:

      • Plain, unsweetened yogurt (with live and active cultures)
      • Kefir (a fermented milk drink)
      • Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut (in moderation and without added spices)
      • Commercial probiotic supplements designed for dogs

Products we stock that contain probiotics include Pro-Kolin+ and Pron8ure Powder.


Prebiotics are another essential component in the realm of supplements, offering distinct benefits for digestive health. Unlike probiotics, prebiotics are not live bacteria but rather non-digestible fibres that serve as nourishment for the beneficial bacteria already residing in the gut.

Prebiotics play a pivotal role in promoting the growth and activity of these friendly gut bacteria, aiding in the maintenance of a balanced and healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, can have positive effects on your dog's overall digestive well-being.

Natural sources of prebiotics include:

      • Sweet potatoes
      • Pumpkin
      • Blueberries
      • Bananas
      • Oats

Products we stock that contain prebiotics include PAW Digesticare.


Post-biotics, while less commonly discussed than probiotics and prebiotics, are emerging as an important aspect of gut health. Post-biotics are the byproducts or metabolites generated by beneficial gut bacteria during the fermentation process. These compounds can have various health benefits for your dog's digestive system and overall well-being.

Post-biotics may contribute to:

      • Improved Gut Health: They can help maintain a balanced gut microbiome, supporting optimal digestive function.
      • Reduced Inflammation: Some post-biotics exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, potentially alleviating discomfort in dogs with digestive issues.
      • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Post-biotics may improve the absorption of essential nutrients from your dog's food, ensuring they receive maximum nutritional benefit.
      • Immune System Support: A healthy gut can positively influence your dog's immune system, potentially reducing the risk of infections and illnesses.

Products we stock that contain postbiotics include ZamiPet Probiotics.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are vital components in the process of breaking down food in a dog's digestive system. These enzymes play a critical role in ensuring that your dog can effectively absorb nutrients from their diet.

Natural sources of digestive enzymes include:

      • Papaya (rich in papain)
      • Pineapple (contains bromelain)
      • Fermented foods like yogurt and kefir (contain various enzymes)
      • Raw honey (contains amylase)

It's important to note that while these foods contain enzymes, they may not provide a concentrated dose suitable for addressing specific digestive issues. For targeted digestive enzyme support, many pet owners turn to commercial digestive enzyme supplements designed for dogs.

Products we stock that contain digestive enzymes include Natural Animal Solutions DigestaVite Plus.


Be wary of...

Buying probiotics for humans to give to your dog - Probiotic supplements formulated for humans may not contain the optimal ingredients or proportions required for the best results in dogs. They might also contain hidden additives or flavors that are safe for humans but potentially harmful to dogs, such as garlic. Additionally, the dosage recommendations on human probiotic labels are not suitable for dogs, making it challenging to determine the appropriate dose for your canine companion.

Combining supplements with prescribed medications - While supplements often originate from natural sources, this doesn't rule out the possibility of interactions with prescribed medications. If your dog is currently on medication prescribed by a veterinarian, it's crucial to consult with them first before introducing any new probiotic supplement or specialty food. This precaution helps prevent unintended interactions that could affect your dog's health.

Giving supplements to dogs with other health conditions - Probiotics can have specific effects on a dog's health. Therefore, they should not be given to dogs with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or insulin resistance unless recommended by a veterinarian. Additionally, probiotics may impact variables like blood pressure and heart rate and are not advised for dogs with metabolic disorders like Cushing's disease without veterinary guidance. Always prioritize your dog's well-being and consult with a veterinarian for tailored advice.


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