Guilty Dog
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?


Have you ever caught your dog engaging in the somewhat unpleasant act of eating poop, leaving you scrunching your nose and scratching your head in confusion? In today's piece, we'll have a cheeky look at why our canine companions sometimes indulge in this mysterious habit. So grab a cuppa and read on – it’s going to be a stinky ride!

Nutritional Imbalances:

Dogs are clever creatures, and sometimes when they're feeling a bit off, they might munch on poop to supplement what's missing in their diet. If a dog is deficient in certain nutrients or enzymes, they might turn to eating faeces, which can contain residual nutrients. It’s their peculiar way of getting a nutritional top-up!

Attention Seeking:

Ever noticed how your dog seems to know exactly what pushes your buttons? Some dogs might eat poop simply because it gets them attention! It might not be the kind of attention they were hoping for, but hey, it’s better than being ignored, right?

Instinctive Behaviour:

From their wild ancestors, dogs have inherited some quirky traits. In the wild, eating faeces can help in keeping their living area clean and free from parasites. Some experts reckon this behaviour has stuck around, leading to our domesticated friends munching on the unsavoury snack.

Environmental Stress:

If a dog is experiencing stress or anxiety, it might develop some odd coping mechanisms – poop-eating included. Changes in their living situation, new family members, or a lack of mental stimulation can all contribute to this puzzling behaviour. For dogs dealing with anxiety, Zylkene Anxiety Supplement can be a helpful remedy.

Taste Preference:

As much as we hate to admit it, some dogs might just… like the taste. Yep, as strange as it sounds, every dog has its own unique palate, and for some, faeces might be a delicacy!

Health Issues:

Sometimes, poop-eating can be a sign that something’s amiss health-wise. Issues with the pancreas, malabsorption, or other underlying health conditions might be the culprits behind this unsightly habit. A well-balanced diet supplemented with PAW Digesticare Probiotic Powder or ZamiPet Digestion Chews might help address some of these issues.


Our beloved dogs can sometimes leave us baffled with their bizarre eating habits, especially when it comes to snacking on poop. Whether it’s a quest for missing nutrients, a call for attention, an instinctive habit, a way to deal with stress, a peculiar taste preference, or a sign of underlying health issues – it’s essential for pet owners to keep an eye out and consult a vet if this behaviour persists. After all, we all want our canine mates to be happy, healthy, and preferably, poop-eating free!