Why dogs get the zoomies

As a dog owner, you may have seen your furry friend suddenly start running around like a madman, darting and spinning in circles with wild abandon. You might wonder why your pooch gets these sudden bursts of energy, which often seem to come out of nowhere. Fear not, dear reader, for I am here to explain the phenomenon of "the zoomies."


What are the Zoomies?

The Zoomies is a common term used to describe that frenetic, joyful burst of energy that dogs sometimes exhibit. It's a sudden and uncontrolled outburst of running, jumping, and playing that can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.


Why do dogs get the Zoomies?

  • Release of pent-up energy: Just like humans, dogs need to release their pent-up energy, and the Zoomies is a way for them to do so.
  • Joy and excitement: Dogs may also experience the Zoomies when they are feeling happy and excited, such as when their favorite person comes home or when they are playing with their favorite toy.
  • Social play: Dogs may also get the Zoomies during social play with other dogs.


When do dogs get the Zoomies?

There is no specific time when dogs get the Zoomies. However, they are more likely to experience it after waking up from a nap, after a bath, or during playtime.


How to handle the Zoomies?

  • Give them space: When your dog is experiencing the Zoomies, it's best to give them space and let them run around until they're done.
  • Ensure safety: Make sure your dog is in a safe and secure space where they won't harm themselves or others.
  • Join in the fun: If your dog is up for it, join in on the fun and play with them.


In conclusion, the Zoomies is a common behavior in dogs that can be attributed to their need to release pent-up energy, excitement, or social play. While it can be amusing to watch, it's important to ensure that your dog is safe during these episodes. So the next time your furry friend starts running around like crazy, don't be alarmed, it's just their way of having fun!



  • The Zoomies is a sudden burst of energy in dogs.
  • Dogs get the Zoomies when they need to release pent-up energy, are excited or during social play.
  • They can occur at any time but are more likely after waking up, a bath or during playtime.
  • Give them space to run around safely, and if possible, join in on the fun!