Bad Breath In Dogs

G'day fellow dog lovers! If you've ever been greeted by a wagging tail and a not-so-welcome whiff of canine breath, then this post is just for you. Here at, we're committed to ensuring your pup's breath is as fresh as the Australian breeze. Bad breath in dogs can be more than just a stinky situation. Often, it's a sign of underlying dental issues. While we can't promise to make your dog's breath smell like roses, we can offer some paw-some solutions to help you tackle the issue.

Why Do Dogs Have Bad Breath?

Bad breath in dogs isn't only an unpleasant experience for pet owners; it's often a warning sign of dental issues. Plaque, tartar, and gum disease could be lurking behind that foul smell. Even what they eat plays a role. Ever wondered why that doggie breath smells like fish or rotten eggs? It could be their fish-based food or digestion problems. But fear not, mate! Understanding the root cause is the first step in tackling the problem.

How to Identify Dental Issues

Don't be left barking up the wrong tree! Regular vet checks can identify hidden dental issues early on. But why wait for the annual vet visit? You can play detective at home too. Check for signs like bad breath, difficulty eating, swollen gums, and plaque. Watch for changes in eating and chewing habits. Trust your instincts; you know your furry friend best!

Are Some Breeds More Susceptible to Dental Issues, or Is It Age?

Just like us humans, some dogs are more prone to dental problems than others. Smaller breeds with tight teeth might face more dental woes. Age is also a factor; older dogs might have worn teeth and are more prone to dental diseases. But no worries, with proper care, you can keep their chompers in tip-top shape, no matter their breed or age.

Solutions to Freshen up Your Pup

Dental Treats: Give your pup a dental treat that's tasty and good for their teeth. Options like Greenies Dog Treat Pack – Mint, OraVet Dental Chews for Large Dogs, and ZamiPet Dental Sticks for Medium & Large Dogs are designed to reduce plaque and tartar, all while satisfying their taste buds.

Toys: Turn playtime into cleaning time with toys like the Kong Dental Stick. It’s not only a source of endless fun but also massages gums and cleans teeth.

Tooth Brushes and Tooth Pastes: The right tools make all the difference. Try the Dentipet Finger Toothbrush for those tricky spots. Flavoured toothpaste like Prozym RF2 Toothpaste Kit or Dentipet Toothpaste – Beef Flavour can make brushing a rewarding experience.

Mouth Gel: Not all dogs take to brushing, and that's okay. TropiClean Clean Teeth Gel is a brushless solution that keeps their teeth clean and breath fresh.

Food & Water Additives: Make dental care as easy as feeding time. Add PlaqueOff for Dogs to their meal or Prozym RF2 Solution to their water. These are fuss-free ways to help reduce plaque and freshen breath.


Doggie breath got you down? Don't despair. From dental treats to toys, toothbrushes to tasty pastes, we've got you covered. offers a wide range of products to keep your dog's breath fresh and their teeth healthy. Because every Aussie dog deserves a bright, fresh smile! Explore these products and more at, and give your pup the gift of dental health. After all, a happy dog is a healthy dog!

Further Reading: