Can Digs Catch a Cold

As we dive into the cooler months, we are bound to face the dreaded season of sniffles and sneezes. Just like us, our pets can also experience similar discomfort. But, the question we often find ourselves asking is - "Can our pets catch colds?" To put it simply, yes, they can. Although it's a different strain from the human cold virus, our four-legged, furry, or feathery friends can indeed suffer from their own versions of colds.


Just like humans, dogs can suffer from a variety of respiratory infections often referred to as "kennel cough." Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, loss of appetite, and lethargy. To prevent your pooch from catching a cold, make sure they are up to date with their vaccinations, provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and keep them warm during the colder months. If your dog shows signs of a cold, rest and hydration are key. If symptoms persist, it's best to visit your local vet for a check-up and possible medication.


Cats are susceptible to upper respiratory infections (URI), similar to a cold. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and sometimes fever and loss of appetite. Good hygiene, regular vaccinations, and minimising stress can help prevent URIs in cats. Treatment typically involves supportive care like ensuring hydration and nutrition, and in severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed by the vet.


Rabbits can suffer from a condition called 'snuffles', similar to our common cold. This is marked by sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and sometimes difficulty breathing. Keeping their living area clean, ensuring a balanced diet, and avoiding sudden temperature changes can help prevent snuffles. Veterinary care should be sought at the first sign of illness, and antibiotics are often needed for treatment.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs can develop respiratory tract infections, akin to a cold. Symptoms may include sneezing, coughing, runny nose and difficulty breathing. To prevent such infections, keep their living area clean, provide them with a balanced diet (particularly rich in Vitamin C), and avoid sudden temperature changes. Treatment often involves antibiotics prescribed by the vet.


Horses can get Equine Influenza, similar to a human cold, with symptoms such as coughing, nasal discharge, fever, and lethargy. Vaccinations, proper ventilation in stables, and not sharing equipment between horses can help prevent infection. Treatment typically involves rest, hydration, and in some cases, medication as prescribed by a vet.

So, the answer to our initial question, "Can our pets catch colds?" is a definite yes. While their illnesses may differ from our human colds, the similarities in symptoms and discomfort are quite striking. The key to keeping our pets healthy is preventive care - regular vaccinations, good nutrition, cleanliness, and a stress-free environment. However, if your pet shows symptoms of a cold, seeking prompt veterinary care is essential for a swift recovery.

So, this winter, as you snuggle under the warm blanket with your furry companion, remember - they too might need a bit of extra care to stay sniffle-free!


  • Pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and horses, can catch their own versions of colds.
  • Symptoms typically include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and sometimes fever and lethargy.
  • Prevention methods include regular vaccinations, good hygiene, balanced diets, and maintaining a warm, stress-free environment.
  • If a pet shows signs of a cold, immediate veterinary attention is recommended. Treatment can range from rest and hydration to prescribed medications.
  • Remember, while your pets might not catch your cold, they too need care and attention, especially during the colder months.

Further Reading:

  1. "Cold Symptoms in Dogs" - Kippax Vet: Read Article
  2. "Can My Dog Get A Cold?" - North Road Vet: Read Article
  3. "Can Dogs Catch Colds?" - Petz Park: Read Article