Protect Your Cat With Popantel from Dr Carl

Popantel Tapeworm Tablets - keep your cat or dog safe from tapeworms and protect your pet AND your family! 


You share your home, and you might share your bed with your dog or cat.  You might even share something yummy from your table….but you don’t want to share worms with your pet! 

Tapeworm infestations can have terrible side effects for your cat or dog, and for you.  It’s important to treat your cat and dog for intestinal worms like tapeworms - even pets that never go outside can have worms, and these parasites can make your cat or dog sick, as well as making your family unwell.

Even pets that never go outside can get worms - worms can be ingested if the worms or eggs are walked into the floor of your home, or could enter your pet’s body when your cat or dog eats an infected animal such as a flea, lizard or other wildlife. (Studies show cats eat up to 50% of fleas they find on their bodies during grooming.)  Young animals may have contracted intestinal worms from their mother - the infection can occur in the womb or from the mother’s milk. 

Basically, if you have a cat or dog, and you’re not treating them to kill worms, then it is likely that your cat or dog has worms! 


What do I need to know about tapeworms?

Tapeworms are parasites that live in your cat or dog’s intestines and feed on your pet’s blood or other nutrients in the intestines.  Tapeworms can cause diarrhoea, poor coat quality, irritability, or lethargy in your pet. Worms can cause diseases that can cause irritation, discomfort or even death in some pets, particularly in old or young pets or pets with underlying health issues.

Whilst there are many species of tapeworm that affect cats and dogs, each of these species requires an intermediate host to complete its life cycle - fleas, frogs, kangaroos or livestock such as pigs and sheep.

These are the two most common tapeworms in Australia:

  • Flea tapeworms - Pets contract flea tapeworm from eating infected fleas, usually when they are grooming.  
  • Hydatid tapeworms - these are contracted by your pet when your cat or dog eats infected raw meat or offal. Hydatid tapeworms can then be transmitted to humans with significant human health implications, including large cysts in vital organs like your liver, lungs and brain.  If you want to see scary pictures, google “hydatid disease in humans” - it’s like a scene from a horror movie!

Why choose Popantel Tapeworm tablets for my dog or cat? 

Popantel Tapeworm tablets treat and kill tapeworms. It’s a great wormer to use for your pet, especially if your pet is already protected against heartworm and other intestinal worms with another product (say, an annual heartworm injection and Nexgard Spectra or Simpario Trio - those products protect your pet from roundworms, and hookworms but do NOT protect against tapeworms).

The active ingredient of Popantel Tapeworm tablets is praziquantel which works to destroy the nervous system of the tapeworm, paralysing it and killing it.  


Popantel Tapeworm tablets are different to Popantel Allwormer tablets for Cats and Popantel Allwormer tablets for Dogs, and are also different to Popantel F Allwormer for Dogs:

  • Popantel Tapeworm tablets treat tapeworms only
  • Popantel Allwormer tablets for Cats  have an additional active ingredient (Pyrantel embonate) and so those tablets treat and control roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms in cats
  • Popantel Allwormer tablets for Dogs has additional active ingredients (Pyrantel embonate and oxantel embonate), so that these tablets treat hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms, as well as tapeworms, in dogs.
  • Popantel F Allwormer for Dogs (note the “F” in the name) - this has further extra ingredients (praziquantel,pyrental and febantel) , and controls roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms as well as giardia protozoans

Propantel is often used for breeding cats (queens) and dogs (bitches) to prevent transmission from mother to baby, and to treat little kittens and puppies - cats and dogs are treated at mating, prior to whelping/kittening and then every three months (or as advised by a veterinarian).


Popantel Tapeworm tablets have a wide margin of safety for all sizes and breeds of dogs and cats.  Side effects of Popantel Tapeworm tablets are very rare at the recommended dosage. Due to the nature of the active ingredient (praziquantel), some cats may salivate after treatment - this is transient and should soon pass. 


The best ways to ensure your pet has no side effects from medications like Popantel are:

  • Check the packaging and read the safety information to make sure you’ve got the right product for your pet’s size and age.   
  • There’s no need, with Popantel Tapeworm Tablets, to give the tablet with food or for your pet to fast before taking Popantel.  It is gentle to the stomach and shouldn’t have any side effect.


Remember - Popantel Tapeworm Tablets are great at killing and controlling tapeworms but DO NOT treat or prevent heartworm.  Dr Carl sells a great range of heartworm treatments for cats and heartworm treatment for dogs, which you can read about here


Where can I buy Popantel at the best price?

Dr Carl sells a full range of wormers, including Popantal Tapeworm Tablets so you can be sure that you select something that (together with your dog or cat’s flea and tick and heartworm protection) gives your cat or dog’s protection against all the parasitic worms!  If you don’t know what your pet needs, after looking through the products on our website, call our friendly Customer Service Team!

Popantel Tapeworm Tablets - keep your cat or dog safe from tapeworms and protect your pet AND your family!

You share your home, and you might share your bed with your dog or cat.  You might even share something yummy from your table….but you don’t want to share worms with your pet! 

Tapeworm infestations can have terrible side effects for your cat or dog and for you.  It’s essential to treat your cat and dog for intestinal worms like tapeworms - even pets that never go outside can have worms, and these parasites can make your cat or dog sick, as well as make your family unwell.

Even pets that never go outside can get worms - worms can be ingested if the worms or eggs are walked into the floor of your home, or could enter your pet’s body when your cat or dog eats an infected animal such as a flea, lizard or other wildlife. (Studies show cats eat up to 50% of fleas they find on their bodies during grooming.)  Young animals may have contracted intestinal worms from their mother - the infection can occur in the womb or from the mother’s milk. 

Basically, if you have a cat or dog, and you’re not treating them to kill worms, then it is likely that your cat or dog has worms! 


What do I need to know about tapeworms?

Tapeworms are parasites that live in your cat or dog’s intestines and feed on your pet’s blood or other nutrients in the intestines.  Tapeworms can cause diarrhoea, poor coat quality, irritability, or lethargy in your pet. Worms can cause diseases that can cause irritation, discomfort or even death in some pets, particularly in old or young pets or pets with underlying health issues.

Whilst there are many species of tapeworm that affect cats and dogs, each of these species requires an intermediate host to complete its life cycle - fleas, frogs, kangaroos or livestock such as pigs and sheep.

These are the two most common tapeworms in Australia:
Flea tapeworms - Pets contract flea tapeworm from eating infected fleas, usually when they are grooming.  
Hydatid tapeworms - these are contracted by your pet when your cat or dog eats infected raw meat or offal. Hydatid tapeworms can then be transmitted to humans with significant human health implications, including large cysts in vital organs like your liver, lungs and brain.  If you want to see scary pictures, google “hydatid disease in humans” - it’s like a scene from a horror movie!



Why choose Popantel Tapeworm tablets for my dog or cat? 

Popantel Tapeworm tablets treat and kill tapeworms. It’s an excellent wormer to use for your pet, especially if your pet is already protected against heartworm and other intestinal worms with another product (say, an annual heartworm injection and Nexgard Spectra or Simpario Trio - those products protect your pet from roundworms, and hookworms but do NOT protect against tapeworms).

The active ingredient of Popantel Tapeworm tablets is praziquantel which works to destroy the nervous system of the tapeworm, paralysing it and killing it.  


Popantel Tapeworm tablets are different from Popantel Allwormer tablets for Cats and Popantel Allwormer tablets for Dogs, and are also different from Popantel F Allwormer for Dogs:


Popantel Tapeworm Tablets

Popantel Tapeworm tablets treat tapeworms only

Popantel Allwormer tablets for Cats

Popantel Allwormer tablets for Cats  have an additional active ingredient (Pyrantel embonate), and so those tablets treat and control roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms in cats

Popantel Allwormer tablets for Dogs

Popantel Allwormer tablets for Dogs have additional active ingredients (Pyrantel embonate and oxantel embonate), so that these tablets treat hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms, as well as tapeworms, in dogs.

Popantel F Allwormer for Dogs

Popantel F Allwormer for Dogs (note the “F” in the name) - this has further extra ingredients (praziquantel,pyrental and febantel), and controls roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms as well as giardia protozoans


Propantel is often used for breeding cats (queens) and dogs (bitches) to prevent transmission from mother to baby and to treat little kittens and puppies - cats and dogs are treated at mating, prior to whelping/kittening, and then every three months (or as advised by a veterinarian).

Popantel Tapeworm tablets have a wide margin of safety for all sizes and breeds of dogs and cats.  Side effects of Popantel Tapeworm tablets are very rare at the recommended dosage. Due to the nature of the active ingredient (praziquantel), some cats may salivate after treatment - this is transient and should soon pass. 


The best ways to ensure your pet has no side effects from medications like Popantel are:

  • Check the packaging and read the safety information to make sure you’ve got the right product for your pet’s size and age.   
    There’s no need, with Popantel Tapeworm Tablets, to give the tablet with food or for your pet to fast before taking Popantel.  It is gentle to the stomach and shouldn’t have any side effects.
  • Remember - Popantel Tapeworm Tablets are great at killing and controlling tapeworms but DO NOT treat or prevent heartworm.  Dr Carl sells a great range of heartworm treatments for cats and heartworm treatments for dogs, which you can read about here


Where can I buy Popantel at the best price?

Dr Carl sells a full range of wormers, including Popantal Tapeworm Tablets, so you can be sure that you select something that (together with your dog or cat’s flea and tick and heartworm protection) gives your cat or dog’s protection against all the parasitic worms!  If you don’t know what your pet needs, after looking through the products on our website, call our friendly Customer Service Team!